Cinemadirect Logo

Directly connecting Filmmakers and Exhibitors

Cinema Direct makes it easy for Filmmakers to get their content in front of audiences, without having an established booking or finance team. It makes it easy for Exhibitors to find the films that their market wants to see, and to book those films with a fully self-service capability.

Find your audience

Everything you need to get your movie seen

Delight exhibitors with your lovely films.


CinemaDirect makes it easy for Exhibitors to find and book your film without any direct interaction on your part. We provide tools to match your films to the best performing theaters.

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DCP Management

The CinemaDirect platform handles the generation of theater-ready DCP content. You provide us the master, we'll handle the rest. Including encryption and key management and delivery.

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Film Rental Collection

CinemaDirect integrates with industry standard box office reporting systems to collect all sales data. We then automatically handle invoicing and payment collection from Exhibitors without any additonal action on your part.

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Everything you need

No sales team? No finance team? No problem.

CinemaDirect gives you the resources you need to get the most return on your investment.

Boost your revenue. Find your audience.
Start using our app today.

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